Агропродовольственная политика России
Агропродовольственная политика России

Article layout, review procedure

Attention! Dear authors!

Each article submitted to our journal is subject to internal peer review.
Articles are published no earlier than 2-3 months from the date of receipt by the editors of the journal.
Please pay special attention to this.
and submit articles well in advance of deadlines.

The originality of the text of the article must be at least 70%, it is not allowed to use special programs or macros that hide borrowed text when checking for plagiarism by adding hidden characters, multiple spaces between words, rearranging words, replacing letters of the Russian alphabet with English.

Authors of articles with suspicious technical inclusions are blacklisted,
and their publications are not accepted for 3 years.

If the author does not get in touch with the editorial office within two months (from the date of sending the article to the editorial office),
the article is removed from publication.

The article is drawn up in accordance with “GOST R 7.0.7-2021. National standard of the Russian Federation. System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Articles in journals and collections. Publishing design” (approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart dated August 18, 2021 N 728-st)

The editors reserve the right to combine issues of the journal


For publication in the journal «Agricultural Policy of Russia» articles are accepted that correspond to the subject of the journal and these requirements. Submitted materials must be relevant, have scientific and practical significance and novelty, or be of educational interest (historical materials, etc.).

The article should be accompanied by a review of the publication of an article by a doctor or candidate of sciences in their own or related field.

Articles are accepted in Word format, docx resolution. Photos, pictures, tables are sent separately in tif or jpeg format.

For publication in the journal, articles are accepted that correspond to the subject of the journal, under the following headings
The article should display the following sections:
Relevance of the topic;
Purpose of the study;
Materials and methods;
Research results;
The structure of the submitted material as a whole should look like this:
Code and name of the field of science;
Code and name of the scientific specialty group;
Code and name of the scientific specialty;
Name of branches of science (Order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated February 24, 2021 No. 118)
DOI (we offer to purchase DOI for your article);
Title of the article in Russian;
Title of the article in English;
Surname, name, patronymic of the authors (in full), academic degree, academic title, position, place of work (for each author, the name of the institution is written in full, as in the certificate). (We remind you that according to the requirements of ELIBRARY, the title, position, department, place of work that you indicate in the article must correspond to your account in the ELIBRARY scientific electronic library, which was indicated during registration (if you change your place of work, enter the data in the ELIBRARY system, so how an article can remain without reference to the author);
Keywords (10-15) (in Russian);
Keywords (10-15) (in English);

Main text of the article:

The volume of the article is from 6 to 8 pages of A4 format with margins of 2 cm (title, keywords, figures and tables, bibliographic list, information about authors is not taken into account).
The text is typed in one and a half intervals, size — 12, typeface — Times New Roman. All pages of the manuscript are numbered.


Each table should have a title, figures — captions. Equations, figures and tables are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. Graphic elements (drawings, diagrams) must be designed for black and white reproduction, the lines of graphs and drawings must be grouped.
Bibliographic list:

List of sources at least 8 (in Russian).
The list of sources is drawn up in accordance with the requirements and rules for compiling a bibliographic reference (GOST R 7.0.100–2018, as amended). Bibliographic list template (.pdf)

References to the used literature are made in square brackets with page indication (published sources).
Most of the list of sources should be «literary» (monographs, scientific articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications).
Normative-legal documents, statistical materials are not included in the list of sources; if necessary, they are mentioned in the text of the article or placed in a footnote (see the sample bibliographic list).
Self-citation should not exceed 25-30%.
Transliteration of the bibliographic list in Latin (see the sample design of the bibliographic list).
Extended abstract (about 200-250 words in Russian);
Extended abstract (about 200-250 words in English).
Contact Information:
Contact information of the authors in Russian: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), position, place of work with an indication of the e-mail and postal address, the address is indicated in the sequence: postal code, country, city, street, house, contact phone number of each author (for the editorial office of the journal);
Contact information of the authors in English (last name, first name, patronymic (in full), position, place of work, indicating the e-mail and postal address, the address is indicated in the sequence: postal code, country, city, street, house).
The article, at the request of the author, is accompanied by an additional form for submitting the article to the AGRIS international citation database (rules for formatting the AGRIS form http://theoryofculture.ru/issues/78/995/).
The electronic version of the article is sent to agroprodrf@mail.ru.

By sending us an article, you have given your consent to the processing of your personal data in the framework of the Federal Law «On Personal Data» dated July 27, 2006 N 152-FZ.

For questions related to the publication of the article, you can contact the editorial and publishing department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Northern Trans-Urals.

Work with the authors of articles is carried out
every Thursday from 15.00 to 17.00 tel. +7(3452) 290-111.

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