Academician Alexander Nikolaevich Semin

Alexander Nikolaevich Semin was born on June 12, 1955 in the village of Ushakovo, Sasovsky District, Ryazan Region.
He graduated from the Sverdlovsk Agricultural Institute in 1978 and from the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University (RGAZU) in 2004. From 1978 up to 1985 he worked for the Sverdlovsk regional association «Regional Agricultural Machinery» as a Senior engineer, then the head of a department, after that the head of the new technology and scientific technical information office. From 1985 up to 1995 he was first the head of mass production and wages department and then the Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the AIC workers’ trade union. From 1995 up to 2010 he was the Rector of the Ural State Agricultural Academy (now the FSBEI HE Ural State Agrarian University), from 2010 up to 2012 he was the Head of Management and Marketing Department of the same University. From 2012 up to 2013 he became the Director of the Management and Economic Security Institute and the Head of Agribusiness Department at the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University. From 2013 up to 2019 he was the Director of World Economy Institute of the Ural State Mining University; from 2020 up to the present he has been the Head of Strategic and Industrial Management Department of the Ural State Mining University. He is a Chief Researcher at the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
He became a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 2007, a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2014, and since 2016 Alexander N. Semin has been an Academician of Agricultural Sciences Department of the RAS.
The Academician A.N. Semin is a prominent Russian scientist in the field of methodology, methods and practical researches in the regional agrarian economy and in the development of regional agro-food policy. He was one of the first in the country to develop a scientific basis for agricultural producers’ adaptation to market conditions of management. He also outlined a concept of a highly effective organizational and economic mechanism of the agro-industrial complex, adequate to the new paradigm of the state’s economic development.
A.N. Semin’s scientific researches are mainly related to the economy of the agricultural market, the formation of effective organizational and economic mechanisms of state regulation and state support of agricultural producers. He studied reproduction processes and revealed the multivariant and multicomponent nature of the economic mechanisms of the agro-industrial complex, the basis of the formation and interaction of AIC elements and components. He explored conceptual models of multi-block multi-element economic management mechanisms. His methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the organizational economic mechanism functioning is used in practice, both at the level of a constituent entity of the Federation and in an agricultural organization.
A.N. Semin elaborated the typology of the existing variety of theoretical and practical concepts for the AIC. He is an author of the concept of improving the system of state support of agricultural producers;
— the concept of the economic mechanism formation of the agricultural technical base updating;
— the concept of modernization of the continuous agricultural education system and agro-industrial production staffing;
— the concept of food supply for an industrially developed territory.
The long-term target programs developed under A.N. Semin’s supervision that are currently being implemented are the following:
- Packaging complex of the Urals,
- Development of pig breeding in the AIC of the Middle Urals,
- Development of poultry farming in the Sverdlovsk region,
- Staffing of the AIC,
- Ural village and etc.
The all above mentioned programs are approved by the board of Agriculture and Food Ministry and by the Government of the Sverdlovsk region. These strategic programs have proved their economical effectiveness. Their implementation annually saves from 20 up to 60 million US dollars.
The major contribution made by A.N. Semin is represented by the following methods, models, scientifically grounded concepts and scientific and practical recommendations:
— Methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the economic mechanism of management;
— Methodology for strategic planning and assessment of the economic efficiency of agricultural production in the emerging agro-marketing system,
— Methodological recommendations for farm modeling,
— Methodology for assessing the financial condition and financial recovery of agricultural enterprises in the context of restructuring overdue debts,
— Development of integration processes in the agricultural sector and methodological approaches to financial recovery of agricultural enterprises,
— Methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of purchasing agricultural machinery and equipment methods.
It is the usage of A.N. Semin’s recommendations on the financial recovery of economic entities and the implementation of resource and energy saving technologies in business entities of the Sverdlovsk region AIC that gives an annual economic effect of more than 350 million rubles.
He is
- a co-author of the «Sredneuralskaya system of agriculture» developed jointly with scientists from the UralNIISKHOZ RAAS,
- a scientific group leader developing the Concept and Program «Ural Village», subsequently approved by the President of the Russian Federation,
- one of those who have worked out the law «On state support of legal entities and individuals engaged in the production of agricultural products and (or) the purchase of agricultural products and local food resources in the Sverdlovsk region”.
With the adoption of this law, state support of agricultural producers in the region has increased up to 3.7 billion rubles a year. 62.6 billion rubles have been invested to the implementation of the planned activities.
When developing the concept of food security of an industrially developed territory and such regional bills as «On state regulation of agricultural production», «On leasing», «On social development of the village», A.N. Semin identified the methodological basis for the food resource formation, the solution of social problems, and the improvement of interregional ties.
A.N. Semin is one of the main organizers of Uralpromcertificat. It is the first interuniversity research institute in the Urals which united scientists from the Ural State Economic University and the Ural State Agricultural Academy. In 2010, with the participation of the Ural State Agrarian University, he organized and became a co-director of the Economic and Food Security Institute on the basis of the Ural State Economic University. This institution has six sectors.
In 2013 A.N. Semin initiated and methodologically supported foundation of the Scientific and Educational Center (REC) for the World Food Security and Development of Rural Areas within the Ural State Mining University (USMU). At the same period on the basis of two faculties he founded the Institute of World Economy. It consists of 15 departments and carries out scientific and educational activities. In 2015 he became a laureate of the Sverdlovsk Region Governor’s Prize «Professor of the Year».
Professor A.N. Semin is an initiator, developer and creator of
— educational, scientific and industrial complexes (Artyomovsky, Yekaterinburg),
— scientific and educational centers in the Middle Urals,
— agrotechnical parks: «Alum-Agro», «Ural Farmer», «Yuzhnouralsky».
He is an organizer and the Chairman of the jury of the annual competition of business projects «Youth of the Urals to Russia’s innovative economy».
A.N. Semin is an author of 665 scientific works, including: 56 monographs (of which 23 were written individually), 41 scientific and practical, scientific and methodological recommendations, 11 theoretical and practical concepts, 29 educational and teaching manuals, 9 textbooks (6 of which have been approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia), 3 reference books on remuneration and work with personnel.
The universities of Mongolia, Hungary, Germany give lecture courses on economics and management based on A.N. Semin’s textbooks. He is quoted in publications of the Tokyo Technical University (Japan). A.N. Semin’s monographs on the problems of motivation and remuneration are kept in the Library of the US Congress.
A.N. Semin is an owner of
— 22 patents for inventions and utility models;
— 7 inventions being of national economic importance.
Being used in the practical activities of the agro-industrial complex of the Ural Federal District they have a multimillion-dollar effect.
A.N. Semin is the Chief scientific editor of the journal «Agro-food policy of Russia», a member of the editorial boards of the journals: «Theory and Practice of World Science», «Economics of Agricultural and Processing Enterprises», «Izvestia of MAAO», «Corporate Governance and Innovative Development of the Economy of the North», «Izvestia of Higher Educational Institutions”, “Mining Journal”, “Gardening of Russia”.
Since 200 he has been the Chairman, deputy Chairman of the Dissertation Council (D 220.067.01) for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses in the specialty 08.00.05 — economics and management of the national economy (marketing; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes in AIC and agriculture).
A.N. Semin is the Vice-President of the Ural Branch of the Free Economic Society of Russia, an honorary member of VOIR, a member of the Joint Scientific Council for Agricultural Sciences under the Presidium of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a member of the Ecological Council under the head of Yekaterinburg, a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
A.N. Semin is an Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, an Honored Economist of the Russian Federation.
He is a Laureate of the National Prize named after
— P.A. Stolypin
— I.I. Polzunov.
A.N. Semin is awarded
— A.V. Chayanov’s gold medal;
— N.I. Vavilov’s medal,
— Peter I’s medal,
— M.A. Sholokhov’s medal,
— medals of VDNKh and VVTs.
He was awarded certificates of honor of
— the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation,
— Chairman of the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region,
— the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Sverdlovsk Region.
A.N. Semin is
— an Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation;
— Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation;
— Honorary member of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers;
He has got awards of Great Britain, Vietnam, EU.